This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Elimination and organization - part 1

So the past few days, I've been working to eliminate stuff. After years of neglect, I finally finished the laundry room, minus these glass storage jars.  Not sure if I'm going to sell it on Craig's list or just stick them outside with "free" signs.

It took a few days to get the washroom done, mostly because I couldn't spend more than an hour on it. The kids have to eat sometime, and of course there was the usual fights, questions, and other acts that attention desperate kids do. It all comes with the territory.

The next step is to go through the pantry. Well, it was, at one point, but I haven't started on it yet as we have been busy with Thanksgiving. Now that the Holiday weekend is over, I can now get back to work.

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