This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


More Blogging, Less Facebook

facebook engancha
facebook engancha (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If it weren't for family and friends that I like to keep updated on, I would have left Facebook a long time ago. I do not like it when I cannot post anything, the lag when it comes to typing letters, or the browser crashes.

I did stop the browser from crashing by installing Adblock on Firefox. Wow, what a difference.  Not only did Firefox does not crash, but it runs so much faster. I mean like I-just-bought-a-new-computer-and-only-installed-Firefox-on-it faster.

But Facebook is still buggy.  When they finally fix the bugs, they add a new feature which causes more bugs. What's more, I think it's becoming way too invasive. Maybe I'm starting to show my age, and it's not like I share anything super personal, but given the political climate, I might be just getting a little paranoid.

That said, blogging is a bit more productive as it helps me get my thoughts out into text.  This particular blog (if you haven't noticed) is a bit schizophrenic as I try to get my mangled thoughts out. So there are a lot more rants on here than news of my family life.  You may see a lot of seemingly contradictory statement as I try to resolve contradictory thoughts, perhaps changing my mind on my original beliefs, or reinforcing them.

Feel free to comment and discuss, as long as you can back up your comments with references and are open to discussion, I don't have a problem with disagreements.  As a matter of fact, I may see a perspective that I haven't thought of before.

Will there be any family news on here at all? Yes, I have been recording videos this week for a little project that I won't mention until I post it.  It's mostly for the fun of it, getting used to using Magix again (a movie editing program).  That's all I'm going to say on it.

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