This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Starting a few projects

My husband and I decided to work on a project that we may be able to have manufactured and sold. Right now I need to come up with a few sketches so that we can get started.

I have found a decent and FREE cad program called FreeCAD. Yeah, the name is a bit unimaginative, but it seems to be a decent program and it’s free. Here’s a link if you want to check it out: . Did I mention that it was free?

After I had found a decent project management site: It let me send an email to invite Mike to help out in the project. This will come in handy as it will keep both of our notes and files in one location. It also integrates with Google Docs and we both have Gmail addresses, so this should work out well.

I have some ideas on how to integrate this into homeschooling projects…

The other thing I wanted to do is to work on my website. It’s seriously lacking.  I have set up the content manager, added some text and that was about it. It was supposed to keep my skills sharp and I haven’t been using it to do so. So now, it’s time to reinvigorate it.

I’ll get back to the website in another post.

I’m not going to get into detail of the project we are working on just yet, because we all know that once you actually mention it, it mysteriously appears for sale somewhere a week later.  As a matter of fact, I already said too much.

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