This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Why Politics Are More Frustrating Than Ever

Usually, I don't get so frustrated with people... but this year, more than any other year, I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out the logic an reasoning of people.  Consider the following scenario:

Me: It's "A" because reason A, reason A, and reason A
Other: No, I like B because reason B, Reason B, and reason B
Me: What about reason A? That negates Reason B and there's also Reason A
Other, No, Reason B is also important (giving one of the same reasons as before, only rewording to sound like a new reason)

At this point, I figured that this person isn't going to be convinced. So I let it go. Easy enough, right? Well, this year, it's a bit different:

Me: It's A, because reason A, reason A and reason A
Other: Yes, and also don't forget Reason A
Me (now getting excited that this person who previously disagreed, now agrees): Right! And of course Reason A!
Other: Of course! ...  (the dreaded pause) but A isn't feasible because no one will choose A and therefore I must stick with B because it's not C
Me: But B and C are the same because reason B and Reason C are the same, also Reason B and Reason C are also the same... As a matter of fact, there really isn't much difference between B and C.
Other: No, B just isn't C
Me: but what about Reason B and C?
Other: That's true, but if I go for A then C has a more of a chance at winning, so I'm going with B because I don't want C.

So, instead of making a stand for what they believe in, they much rather choose the same that only looks a little bit different, because it's not the "other".  Even if they agree that they are mostly the same.  It doesn't matter that a lot of people think the exact same way and if those "lot of people" also took a stand, A has a chance.

But no, just follow the sheep towards the slaughterhouse - but at least it's not the same slaughterhouse.
Don't forget to berate and belittle those who try convince you to do otherwise on the way.
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