This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Stephanie, The Actress

Everyone in our fellowship noticed Stephanie's black eye.  Of course, they also gave her a lot of attention.  By the time snack time came around, she was going around pointing to her eye (sometimes the wrong one) milking all the attention she got.  After a while she forgot about it, and started playing normally.  Then someone would mention it and say something like "poor baby" and of course, she would immediately drop what she was doing and look as forlorn as possible.  By the time we got to mom's house, she has mastered the art.

My mother mentions her black eye, and suddenly, she was looking quite sad and forlorn.  She actually kept up the act until  my mother asks if she wants a hug.  She perked up and ran to her.  I guess there's only so long that she could keep up the act.

Now that we are home, she's fine.  No mention of the black eye, no looking really, REALLY sad.  She's watching Tom & Jerry.

What a little actress.  Maybe she'll make millions in a movie so that I can go senile in a really nice nursing home.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should post a picture of the black eye!