This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Sunday Ramblings 1

15 minutes.

That’s it.  Every Sunday, I plan on typing for 15 minutes of random dribble. I don’t post here enough so at least I’m posting something. But is some nonsense post better than nothing at all.

Well, I thought it wasn’t, which is why I haven’t been posting.  I’ve been struggling with a long and terrible writer’s block. Or, when I think of something good, I don’t have my laptop. By the time I get my laptop, I had forgotten what I wanted to post or completely forget to post at all.

I have considered using the speech to text engine that is already built into windows, so that maybe, I can talk into my blogs. I would just record a podcast, but audio isn’t as searchable as text.

That might be a good idea. As a matter of fact, if it works with Evernote, I can record my conversations with myself and search the later. Sometimes I do come up with great ideas for blogs, videos, or even something I might be able to sell and make millions.

I have listened to a few interesting books that gave me the idea to write randomly at least once a week. In writing your thoughts out as they come out, you engage a different part of your brain and sometimes problems that you thought were impossible to solve, suddenly has a solution.

I’ll list the books at the end of this post, if you are interested. As a matter of fact, it will be in my store on this blog.

Today, at church, we got all the schools supplies sorted and bundled for our big school supply give-a-way, which is next Saturday. I don’t know if we have enough, but we shall see.

This reminds me, I really do need to fix the church website. The layout is done, but it needs a little more… something. Not sure what, but after my writing exercise is done, that will be next project. I’ll also have to post to the blog. I did take some videos – which I need to tag. Perhaps I will get some takes from all of the videos I’ve taken and make a new intro video.

Well, time is up. There were a few distractions, but not bad for a first timed writing session.

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