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Interesting Fact (my last political rant, I promise!)

Your Vote Your Choice
Your Vote Your Choice (Photo credit: alternatePhotography)
Regardless of who wins the presidency, you can negate the effects by voting local. So for those of you who are so afraid of winning, you really don't have to worry THAT much. After all, a lot of Obama's policies did NOT go through because of the republicans blocking it. (That should tell you a lot on how "obamacare" got through, some republicans did vote in favor of it, btw).

Romney is only better than Obama at pretending that he's better than Obama. I think he will win, regardless on who I vote for or who you vote for, but I have decided to NOT vote for either. No, that doesn't me I won't vote, just that I can not in good conscience vote for a candidate that completely ignores the founding father's precepts for a free country. As a Christian, I am not worried if EITHER gets in because really, I belong to God's kingdom which is outside of any government whatsoever.  I'm stuck between voting for a REAL Christian (Ron Paul) based on REAL morality, or voting for someone who has a better chance AND by ending the church's complacency by legalizing moral issues AND would help this party get to the top 5%, forcing them to be considered a "major party" next election.

Rand Paul will not be able to run next election. As much as he pretends to kiss-up to the GOP, I doubt that they will appoint him next election as Mitt will be the incumbent. BUT if the libertarian party becomes a major party, he can run on that ticket and have more of a chance to win.

That all said, my actual point is that it doesn't matter if Romney flipped on the abortion issue again just three weeks ago (, or that he really never talked about WHAT he was going to cut in spending. Just that he will "evaluate" what we borrow from China, again excelling in saying everything and nothing at the same time. 

It doesn't matter if Romney cuts the social services, without cutting the bureaucracy (like Obama cut the military without cutting the wars) then increase the military spending AND the wars (at least he will probably call it what it is, a war and not "bombing campaign" or "nation building").

It doesn't matter if Obama get re-elected and decides that he wants to turn us into a communist nation because, if we can help it - most of the policies that either wants to institute will not come to fruition, if we elect the house and senate full of liberty minded politicians. If there is enough of them, they can even overturn "obamacare" and block Romney's tweaked version of Obama Care.

So, with only a couple of days left to be informed, here it is: ; A website dedicated to liberty minded republicans. Unfortunately, I could not find a "liberty minded" democrat website, but if anyone has found one, please post it in the comments below.
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