This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Republican Scams will Follow to White House

So who would you choose: The Communist party or Hitler? Keep in mind that you can't vote for third party because that would mean the communist party will win.

Hitler was the "lesser" of two evils and talked a lot of good things. He built roads, improved the economy (at least for a short time) and History did prove that Hitler was indeed the lesser of two evils as he actually killed less people than the communist.

Think about that when you want to choose the "lesser of two evils".  Will Romney improve the economy?  He'll probably make a few superficial changes that might look good enough to investors to try to invest money, but it will be superficial.  Keep in mind many more will die in the "war on drugs" and the "war on terror" - all in the name of security.  Sound familiar?

That's was the excuse Hitler used to kill off the Jews. It was the Jews (potheads) fault for our violent culture. It's the Jews (terrorists) that are threatening our security.  And before anyone says anything about "brown people", you are a terrorist if you stock up on food, buy extra flashlights, even state that you believe in the constitution.

Hitler tried to rid the country of Jews, Romney want to eliminate the liberty loving people. Hitler had started by making it impossible for Jews to do business, Romney has and will make it difficult for for liberty loving people to have a voice on who gets to represent them.

THIS is why I cannot vote for Romney OR Obama and anyone who would - just to make sure that that Obama won't get in, are the same kind of people who voted Hitler in.
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