This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Where is this going?

I don't post on here often enough.  No, this isn't one of those "I'm sorry I hadn't posted in a while" posts. Instead, it's one of those "should I keep going" or  "should I start fresh" posts. It's been crazy the last few years, especially since I broke out in a rash last year. TMI? Well, it was on my arm face and neck.  Not quite sure exactly what caused it, but eliminating wheat from my diet seem to improved things, drastically.

Once you get out of a habit however, it's difficult to go back. It's always, "There's something I want to blog about! I'll type that up tomorrow." Of course you know, tomorrow really never comes, so the blog never gets posted.

What makes matters worse, is that I always have a better idea for a blog.  I'll start on up, post maybe 3-5 posts, and then promptly forget about it. My most recent excuse to not actually do something useful with my time: I want to move my blog onto my own website. So instead of blogging everyday or at the very least, once a week, I've been waiting until I get around to installing the blogging software on my server.

And waiting, and waiting...  Yeah, I'll get to it... as soon as the kids act like perfect angels, people develop a psychic ability to know when I'm too busy to talk on the telephone, the stars align, and politicians tell the truth.

Of course, if I actually wait for all that, I will never blog again. So here I am... Blogging. I am still planning on moving my blog over, but instead of waiting, I'm posting again. Perhaps, I can post more than "well, I haven't been posting here in a while".


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