This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Domain name M.I.A.

My domain name is M.I.A. right now. I'm actually hoping the timing of the payment is off which is usually the case. I only buy one-year domains, but I think I'm going to find out if I can buy 10 - or maybe 5, depending on the cost. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about this happening EVERY year. I bet it will be fixed by Monday.

So, anyway, I've been spending time on Yuwie. Mostly tweaking the design. After that, this blog gets a new makeover, then it will be myspace.

When those two are done, I do plan on remaking my site. This will Mean that I will have to take it down for a little while. Just a page with links to the other accounts that I have will be up. Hopefully, the remake will only take a day.

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Jess said...

go to they have pretty good deals on domain names..

Hiya just passing through via BE =-)

Nancie Neal said...

I get a huge discount on Great Domainia because I joined

Thanks for the info, and the comment.