This is a blog of a happily married, stay-at-home mom of five kids. Expect mostly everything here.


Sticky: Email spoof

My domain has been spoofed. I do not send emails concerning an online drug store. I intend on getting to the bottom of this, 700+ "return to sender" emails a day is not something I want.


Erin M said...

Ugh, I'm sorry someone has spoofed you. I hope it stops soon

Nancie Neal said...

Well, I did manage to stop the thousands of bounced and spam filtered emails coming back to me.

I just hope I'm not blacklisted by too many servers.

maria said...

Do you mean by that that someone is sending emails and pretending it comes from your email address?

Because I have this problem too and don't know how to fix it.

Could you post how to fix this please and thank you.

Sorry you had this trouble.
